Houston Chapter Meeting

  • 20 Oct 2022
  • 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
  • BakerHotstetler

October Meeting and Roundtable Discussion

Join us for an in-person lunch and roundtable discussion!

This will be a great opportunity to catch up with our local chapter and be an opportunity to learn and share with each other. This open forum discussion will include discussions on tips and tricks, humble brags, industry trends and other topics of interest!

We want to hear from our members. Send ideas for additional topics for this dynamic round table discussion to houston@womeninediscovery.com.

Board elections will also be held that day – so come out and meet the candidates! Lunch will be provided.

Virtual option for joining will be provided by email after registration.

Thank you BakerHostetler for sponsoring this WiE Houston Chapter meeting.

Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated!

This event is open to all #WiE members and eligible members of WiE.

To Register as a new member, or for more information, please visit our website https://www.womeninediscovery.org/Chapters

To contact the WiE Houston Board Members, share ideas regarding meeting topics or become more involved with WiE, please email us at houston@womenineDiscovery.org.

At BakerHostetler, protecting the health and safety of our clients, employees, and families is our highest priority. Accordingly, we have instituted visitor policies that reflect the most recent guidance from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local guidance concerning COVID-19 health and safety protocols. Consistent with this guidance, we ask that you refrain from visiting our offices if any of the following criteria apply to you:

  • you have been diagnosed with COVID and are not yet cleared to discontinue isolation;
  • you have any of the symptoms described by the CDC as being associated with COVID;


  • you are not up to date on your vaccinations and all boosters applicable to your age group and you have, in the prior 5 days, been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID.

If you are up to date on your vaccinations and all boosters applicable to your age group, you are not required to wear masks in our offices, except: (a) in jurisdictions that have laws requiring such; and (b) during the 10 days following exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID, unless you are able to socially distance from all others or are actively drinking or eating. Of course, if you are up to date on your vaccinations and all boosters applicable to your age group and you wish to wear a mask in the office, you are free to do so. In addition, please be reminded that the CDC recommends that everyone – vaccinated or not – wear a mask when in a high COVID transmission area.

If you are not up to date on your vaccinations and all boosters applicable to your age group, you must properly wear a KF94, KN95, NIOSH-approved N95, or 3-ply non-medical surgical mask that completely covers your nose and mouth while: (a) in any BakerHostetler office that is in a jurisdiction that requires masking or that has been designated by the CDC as a high COVID transmission area, unless you are able to socially distance from all others or are actively drinking or eating; and (b) during the 10 days following exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID, unless you are able to socially distance from all others or are actively drinking or eating.

We will continue to carefully monitor the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the health and safety guidance provided by the CDC and other applicable governmental authorities and will update our health and safety protocols accordingly.

Thank you in advance for your patience and compliance with our protocols. We look forward to seeing you in person!

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Women in eDiscovery is a 501(c)(6) Nonprofit Organization

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