Chats and Collaboration Data in eDiscovery - Nightmare or Just Another Data Source?
Join us for an informative conversation with professionals in the field who are dealing with chat and collaboration data in eDiscovery. We will hit on preservation, collection, review, and production issues surrounding these data types that are quickly becoming the norm.
Our distinguished panelists will be:
- Ellen Blanchard, J.D., Director, Discovery and Information Governance at T-Mobile
- Maureen Holland, eDiscovery Senior Service Manager at AstraZeneca
- Jigna Dalal, eDiscovery Consultant at Squire Patton Boggs
The meeting will be held via Zoom and everyone that RSVPs will receive a Zoom link to the meeting via Evite the morning of the event.
RSVP to the Richmond Chapter today to be sure not to miss this exciting conversation.