London Chapter - Summer Party!

  • 22 Sep 2021
  • 5:30 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Devonshire Terrace, Devonshire Square

We are here to tell you that yes, we have the networking event coming up in August for members only – however following that we have the long awaited, Summer Party – essentially we could say this is two summer parties rolled into one big one due to having to give last years a miss due to covid… therefore its not to be missed!

The Summer Party is going to be a members and non members (all genders welcome!) – please find more details here:

Location : Devonshire Terrace, Devonshire Square (we are not sponsored by Devonshire Terrace, its just a great weatherproof venue, good location and great service)

Date : Wednesday 22nd September

Time : 17:30 until 23:00

Who : members & non members

Ticket cost : £10.00 (however as Eventbrite charge £1.01 it will actually be £11.01)

Buy your ticket here : TICKETS ON SALE HERE!

The sales of the tickets will go to our chosen charity this year, KIND

Nuix have kindly offered to sponsor our Summer Party this year, and we want to say a massive thank you to them!

There will also be a raffle and the ticket sales for this will be on the night in the classic style of a raffle ticket, £10.00 per strip – there will be fantastic list of prizes kindly sponsored by some of the businesses within eDiscovery (more details to come!)

As this is for members and non members, feel free to encourage colleagues to come along – tickets MUST be purchased to attend the event, and tickets must be brought to the event (we will have an old school list too to check you off should the dog of ate your ticket!)

We cannot wait to see you in August for those that are joining us, and even more so in September for the SUMMER PAAAARTTTTY!

As usual, tickets are on a first come first serve basis – so please buy to avoid disappointment!

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