Iowa Chapter Meeting

  • 15 Jul 2021
  • 12:00 PM

Mobile Devices and E-Discovery

We will provide the Zoom link as the date gets closer.  Hope you can join us!

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Meeting Summary

As of February this year, 85% of adult Americans utilize smartphones (nearly 300 million).  In 2020, 126 million new phones shipped to users.  Approximately 84% are Android users and 16% Apple users.  There are 3 million apps on the Google Store and 2 million apps on the Apple store.  There may be as many as 9 million apps worldwide.  These statistics demonstrate the vastness and challenges for e-discovery experts.   This presentation will highlight some of the current trends and issues associated with mobile devices in the e-discovery process, from identification to collection and processing.  Devices beyond cellular phones will be addressed as well.

Presenter Info: 

Doug Elrick joined  DMACC as a full-time instructor in the IT and Cybersecurity programs in 2018 and the University of South Florida graduate program as a part-time instructor in 2019.  He has worked in the area of digital forensics for nearly thirty years.  Before joining DMACC, he was the Director of Forensic Services for Digital Intelligence (DI), a digital forensic & e-discovery company, working there from 2002-2018.  At DI, he worked on civil forensic and e-discovery cases for corporations worldwide. In addition, he witnessed the development and growth of the e-discovery field.

Before working at Digital Intelligence, Doug worked for thirteen years as a forensic scientist for the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, where he conducted forensic examinations in the areas of drug analysis, toxicology, arson, trace evidence, serology, DNA, and crime scene investigation.  He started the computer forensic unit for the DCI laboratory in 1992 and was the sole examiner until he left in 2002. Doug obtained the following digital forensic certifications: A+, MSCE, CFCE, and CAWFE from IACIS, and EnCE from Guidance Software.

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