Minneapolis - St. Paul Chapter Meeting

  • 13 Feb 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Fredikson & Byron, P.A. | 200 S. 6t Street, Suite 4000 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402

Welcome 2020! Join Women in eDiscovery for our first meeting in the new year.

TOPIC: Discovery in a Disappearing World: Mobile Devices, Ephemeral Messaging, and Cloud Sources

It goes without saying that mobile devices, ephemeral messaging, and cloud based platforms have permeated most aspects of society. As part of this integration into our personal and professional lives, they are starting to impact the legal system in ways both predictable and unexpected. Judges, attorneys, and legal service providers are having to examine the use of ephemeral messaging and cloud based platforms from a technical, professional, and ethical standpoint. This presentation and discussion will review the landscape of ephemeral data in society, as well as the legal system.

This course will cover the ways in which mobile devices, ephemeral messaging, and cloud sources impact the litigation environment, and covers some of the technical implications.

  • Receive an overview of the changing social media landscape.
  • Discuss strategies, technology, and limitations of ephemeral messaging as evidence.
  • Understand the trends and developments impacting litigation.
  • Learn about smartphone technology, its evolution and issues.
  • Learn about cloud sources, its evolution and issues.
  • Discuss collection challenges and limitations within eDiscovery for various platforms.

PRESENTER: Devon Campbell

Devon Campbell is a Digital Forensic Examiner at TransPerfect Legal Solutions in the Forensic Technology and Consulting division. Devon has experience conducting forensic examinations of mobile devices, computers, social media data, cloud-based data, and email data. Prior to joining TransPerfect Legal Solutions, Devon earned her Master's degree in Digital Forensics from DeSales University, then went on to work as a Digital Forensic Examiner with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office and the Lehigh County District Attorney’s Office. In these roles, Devon actively analyzed and investigated digital devices of evidentiary value related to active investigations and cases held for court. Devon is considered an expert witness in matters relating to digital forensics. She has testified in numerous court cases involving digital evidence. Devon instructed various digital forensics courses at the graduate and undergraduate level at DeSales University. Now, Devon brings her experience to her role as a member of the TransPerfect Forensic Technology and Consulting team.

1 hour of CLE Credit has been requested.

TransPerfect Legal Solutions is sponsoring lunch.

RSVP via Evite.

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