San Francisco Chapter Meeting - Panel: Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Talent

  • 08 May 2019
  • 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Floor San Francisco, CA 94111

Please join us for lunch and an open workshop discussion led by WiE SF Board Members Moneet Kohli and Elizabeth Cohee on diverse employee recruiting and retention. Moneet and Elizabeth will present engaging 5-minute presentations on topics relating to diversity in recruiting and retention, followed by group discussion among attendees, empowering members to share their expertise and learn from the collective knowledge and experience of WiE members.

To make for fruitful, rich discussion, we encourage you to read the following ahead of the meeting: "GC letter open letter to law firms" and the first "response letter:”


(I) Introduction – You’re the expert

Followed by three 5-minute topic presentations with group discussion (7-10 mins) for each topic

(II) Session One: Demanding diversity: corporate, candidate, employee movements for a more diverse workforce

Group discussion

(III) Session Two: Changing definitions of diversity: How do we define diversity today?

Group discussion

(IV) Session Three: Diversity as a differentiator: practice and recruitment in minority-owned law firms

Group discussion

We will be meeting this month at:


111 Sutter Street (at Montgomery)

14th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94104

Upon arrival to 14th floor, please log into the Guest Portal at front door for suite access. (Prior to the event, Logikcull will transmit pre-registration emails for guest entry to attendees who have registered on Evite.)

Please R.S.V.P. by Monday, May 6th.

We hope you will join us!

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