Hello Ladies,
Happy New Year!!!
It's that time of year for our 2019 ELECTIONS!!!
Please come out and join us as we elect our 2019 Board Members and discuss the upcoming events for the year. Please bring any ideas or suggestions that you may have. To those members who have not attended a meeting in awhile, we miss you and would love to have you come back to our monthly meetings on a more regular basis. The meetings are a wonderful way to get free educational sessions and the opportunity to network with other professionals working in the ediscovery industry. Please join us as we need as many participants as possible as only attendees can vote!!
Date/Location: Marshall Dennehey
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
From 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
WiE would like to thank Marshall Dennehey for sponsoring the venue, we really do appreciate it! Hope to see you all there!
WiE Philadelphia Chapter
Babette, Nikki, Lauren, Joan, Erica, Kate & Shari
© 2024 Women in eDiscoveryWomen in eDiscovery is a 501(c)(6) Nonprofit Organization