New York WiE’s January meeting is as follows:
Title: WiE NY Morning Session | How Do You Brand Yourself?
Date: Thursday, Jan. 10th
Time: 8am – 9:30am (presentation begins promptly at 8am; networking is from 9am – 9:30am)
Location: TBD
Breakfast Sponsor: TBD
Please note this will be a morning meeting and breakfast will be provided. The panel will begin promptly at 8:00 AM with networking to follow at 9:00AM.
What is a brand? How do you brand yourself? Why does brand matter? How important is it to have a personal brand?
Your brand is what makes you, you. It’s what makes you unique…it represents who you are as a person and as a professional. Why do we trust advice from celebrities like Oprah or buy products from businesses like The Honest Company? Because we identify with these personal and professional brands and so we trust them.
We all agree that having a good reputation is a must, but how many of us have really taken the next step to create and grow a personal and professional brand?
Whether you’re happy at your current job or ready to transition in your career, we think you’ll enjoy hearing from our panel of women who have successfully curated their own special brand.
© 2025 Women in eDiscoveryWomen in eDiscovery is a 501(c)(6) Nonprofit Organization