San Francisco Chapter Meeting - What risks are looming on the cybersecurity front for 2019

  • 09 Jan 2019
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Robert Half Legal Services, 50 California, San Francisco

"What risks are looming on the cybersecurity front for 2019?

Please join SF Women in eDiscovery on January 9th, when Elvis Chan, Supervisory Special Agent for the FBI San Francisco’s Cyber Branch, will discuss the cyberthreat outlook for this year and resulting impact on public and private sector entities, as well as the FBI’s posture for addressing them. He will also provide prevention and incident response guidance.

Elvis Chan is a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) assigned to the FBI San Francisco Branch. SSA Chan manages a squad responsible for investigating national security cyber matters. With over 13 years in the Bureau, he is a decorated agent who is recognized within the Intelligence Community as a cyberterrorism expert. SSA Chan was the lead agent on significant cyber investigations and managed joint counterterrorism operations with domestic and foreign law enforcement agencies. Prior to joining the Bureau, SSA Chan was a process development engineer in the semiconductor industry for 12 years. He holds two U.S. patents, presents at many technical and law enforcement symposiums, and published multiple articles in technical journals. SSA Chan graduated from the University of Washington with degrees in chemical engineering and chemistry.

Our thanks to our generous location sponsor for 2019, Robert Half Legal Services.

We'd also like to offer special thanks to our lunch sponsor for the January meeting, PwC."

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