Toronto Chapter Meeting - E-Discovery Day Using Science to Improve the Art of Relationships

  • 04 Dec 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Deloitte 8 Adelaide Street West Toronto, ON M5H 1L6 Canada

Hello, Wie Toronto Members! We are pleased to announce that we have another exciting member event planned for December 4th, E-Discovery Day! We've also put together a list of industry events going on in December and in 2019 that you may be interested in - see the bottom of this email for more information!

Wie Toronto December Event:

When: Tuesday, December 4th, 2018, 12:00 – 1:30 pm

Where: Deloitte - 8 Adelaide St West (at the corner of Yonge and Adelaide). Sign in desk in the lobby.

We will have a buffet lunch and an amazing speaker all generously provided by Deloitte. Space is limited to around 60 people so please RSVP as soon as you can!

Session Description:

Are you a guardian, a pioneer, an integrator or a driver ? Join us on Dec 4th to discover what your Business Chemistry type is and start ‘hunching’ other’s style to more effectively communicate and engage. Deloitte’s Audrey Ancion will share with you how to use a data-driven approach to observing and understanding differences in people’s business styles.

Using Science to Improve the Art of Relationships?

Business Chemistry is a business-oriented behavioral system, co-developed with a team of scientists from the fields of neuroanthropology and genetics. Business Chemistry draws from four scientifically based patterns of behavior to help employees and clients:

1. understand their own preferences and potential pitfalls when it comes to communicating and interacting with others;

2. learn what to look for to create “hunches” about others through observations; and

3. adapt their style to engage more effectively with others.

Audrey is a certified Business Chemistry facilitator and a Senior Manager in Omnia, Deloitte Canada’s Artificial Intelligence Practice. When she is not facilitating Business Chemistry Sessions, Audrey focuses on designing and delivering AI and Analytics Academies for clients as a means to generate smart demand for data and analytics and increase the AI literacy of executives and professionals.

Other Wie and Industry Happenings:

We’re working on our first annual charity event! Please stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks!

Did you hear that Women in eDiscovery is hosting its first annual conference in 2019? See the link below for more information – space is limited for this event.

December 4th is the fourth annual eDiscovery Day! Aside from our event on the 4ththere are other web events happening – below is a list of a few of them you may be interested in attending. As of today there are 12 different webcasts planned for December 4th.

ILTA eDiscovery Roundtable Webcast:

Check out this page for other December 4th events:

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Women in eDiscovery is a 501(c)(6) Nonprofit Organization

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