Philadelphia Chapter - Career Wardrobe Event

  • 13 Jun 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Golkow Litigation Services One Liberty Place, Suite 5150 Philadelphia, PA 19103

Dear Friends,

At our June monthly meeting we will be collecting donations for CAREER WARDROBE (

This is the perfect time to clean out your closets! The WiE Philadelphia Chapter asks you to kindly bring the following donations to the meeting on June 13th.


Professional clothing:

Matching business suits (skirt or pant) – women’s sizes from 0 to 16+ are in demand!

Separates: skirts, pants, blazers, blouses, “Casual Friday” outfits

Maternity wear – all sizes and styles

Gently worn shoes (all sizes, especially 9 and up)

Accessories (purses, handbags/briefcases, jewelry)

New/unused pantyhose (all sizes)

Coats and formal wear

New/unused beauty products, toiletries and make-up

Uniform items for men or women entering service or medical fields:


White tops/blouses

Black, navy, and tan/khaki bottoms

Polo shirts

Black or white shoes, clogs, or sneakers

Steel-toed boots

Maternity wear – all sizes and styles

Men’s items:

Complete Business Suits






In addition, we may need a few volunteers after the meeting to carry the donations to a nearby location. Your contributions are much appreciated!

Please don't forget to RSVP to the meeting evite! There is no need to respond to this notice.


Wednesday, June 13th at 12:15-1:30PM

Golkow Litigation Services

One Liberty Place, Suite 5150

Philadelphia, PA 19103

Note: The meeting begins at 12:30p.m., but please join us at 12:15p.m. for a social gathering!

We look forward to seeing you!

WiE Philadelphia Chapter

Women in eDiscovery

Babette, Nikki, Terry, Laura, Erica, Joan, Kate & Shari

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Women in eDiscovery is a 501(c)(6) Nonprofit Organization

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