Philadelphia Chapter Meeting - Board Elections & LegalTech Updates

  • 14 Feb 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Golkow Technologies One Liberty Place, 1650 Market Street

Happy New Year WiE members!

As we begin the New Year, we hope that you are focused and ready to conquer 2018 as WiE are.We had to reschedule January's election brown bag luncheon meeting for February 14, 2018.heart

Thank you to Golkow Technologies for the meeting space at One Liberty Place, 1650 Market Street! At the meeting, we will hold elections and discuss LegalTech updates and upcoming events.

If you are still considering holding an integral part with Philadelphia WiE, please submit your application for a Board position. You can contact any one of us on the Board for the position descriptions and application. There are currently three open Board positions -- they are:

Chapter Secretary, Chapter Membership Director & Chapter Meetings Director. Please consider volunteering for one of these roles -- not only is this a wonderful opportunity to give back to your profession, but you will get to work with women who make up the Board and have a very big impact on this Chapter.

Please join us in February - once the elections have been completed, we will be discussing the upcoming events for 2018. We would also ask that you bring any suggestions for topics as well as bring a fellow colleague with you and introduce them to WiE Philly. We welcome all legal professionals, and with your help, we can grow our membership.

As always, if you have any questions/comments you can send them to and we will get back to you.


WiE Philadelphia Chapter

Babette, Nikki, Laura, Christa, Joan, Amy, Kate & Fariha

© 2025 Women in eDiscovery
Women in eDiscovery is a 501(c)(6) Nonprofit Organization

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