Iowa Chapter Meeting - 50 States of eDiscovery

  • 19 Oct 2017
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Davis Brown Law Firm 215 10th Street, Suite 1300 Des Moines

Join us on Thursday October 19th, at the Davis Brown Law Firm in Des Moines for a presentation entitled “50 States of eDiscovery – A look at Civil Procedure Rules in State Court and How They Approach eDiscovery”.

Since the 2015 FRCP Amendments have been in effect, federal courts have been increasingly vocal in the areas of proportionality, spoliation and sanctions. Which states have followed suit?

With so many jurisdictions, we want you to know the restrictions.

  • Where does your state fall?
  • Which states are influenced by the 2015 FRCP amendments?
  • Which states are influenced by the 2006 FRCP amendments?
  • Which status are using unique language and standards?

Michele C.S. Lange, Esq. of KrolLDiscovery will present on this topic. Michelle is the director of thought leadership and industry relations for KrolLDiscovery. In this role, she regularly writes and speaks on topics related to electronic discovery, computer forensics and technology’s role in the law. Most notably, she authored the American Bar Association book, titled "Electronic Evidence and Discovery: What Every Lawyer Should Know."

Lunch is generously sponsored by Kroll:

In Des Moines:

Davis Brown Law Firm

215 10th Street, Suite 1300

Des Moines

In Cedar Rapids:

Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman,

115 Third Street S.E., Suite 1200

Cedar Rapids

If you plan to attend in person, please RSVP by Monday October 16th so that lunch arrangements can be finalized. If you plan to participate remotely, please let us know so that we can track your participation.

For those of you participating remotely, the web-ex login and conference line information is below:

Teleconference information:

Conference Dial-in Number: (641) 715-0861

Participant Access Code: 635621#

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