New York Chapter Meeting - Enhancing eDiscovery with Data Analytics

  • 27 Sep 2017
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Grant Thornton 757 3rd Avenue New York, NY 10017

Grant Thornton is hosting and presenting this month’s topic, “Enhancing eDiscovery with Data Analytics.”

Due to the rapidly increasing rate of document generation, the traditional e-Discovery approach of manually reviewing the remaining population of documents after applying keyword filters has become outdated. Data analytics can be designed to define and refine the population of documents that require manual review, resulting in reduced costs without sacrificing accuracy. Examples of the use of data analytics in e-Discovery include the identification of more specific timeframes, key phrases, and custodian relationships. The rewards of advanced data analytics in e-Discovery are quickly replacing the risks associated with traditional e-Discovery methodologies.

This event will be led by forensic technologist Joshua Stafman, JD, MAcc, CPA, CFF of Grant Thornton, who will share a multi-disciplinary approach to discovering the undiscoverable through data analytics.

Lunch for this session will also be sponsored by Grant Thornton.

Please note that due to the holiday calendar, our September meeting is on Wednesday, September 27th.

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