Raleigh Durham Chapter Meeting

  • 22 Aug 2017
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Wyrick Robbins 4101 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27607

The next meeting of the Raleigh-Durham Chapter of WiE is coming up on August 22nd. Please RSVP to raleigh-durham@womeninediscovery.org by COB on August 18th to ensure we have enough lunch for everyone.

Date of Meeting: Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017

Time: 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Meeting Location:

Wyrick Robbins

4101 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 300

Raleigh, NC 27607


Tru Staffing Partners Is Providing Lunch For Those Who RSVP


"Meet & Confer checklist” - a panel discussion on what to have ready for a meet and confer including strategies for negotiating search terms with the opposing side.

Our panelist will include:

Katie King - Kilpatrick Townsend

Cristin Traylor - McGuireWoods

Justine Kelly - Womble Carlyle, BullDox


It's that time of year again!! We will have our elections for our 2017-2018 board at our October meeting. If you would like to run for a position, please email your bio to raleigh-durham@womeninediscovery.org by September 29th. You will be asked to speak briefly at the October meeting.


This month we are collecting school supplies for The Salvation Army of Wake County School Supply Drive – Items Needed include:

Loose Leaf Paper

Composition Books

Book Bags (No Wheels)

#2 Pencils

Pens (Blue and Black Ink)

3-Ring Binders


Graph Paper

Pencil Pouch/Box

Colored Pencils

3x5 Index Cards


Glue Sticks


Pocket Folders



Hand Sanitizer

Mini Pencil Sharpeners

Clorox Wipes


We look forward to seeing you August 22nd!

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