EDRM Duke Law TAR Best Practices Conference

  • 07 Sep 2017
  • 08 Sep 2017
  • The Westin Crystal City 1800 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington VA 22202

The Duke Law Center for Judicial Studies is holding an invitation-only conference on TAR Best Practices on September 7-8, 2017, in Arlington, Virginia. If you are interested in attending, please send a brief description of your litigation or ediscovery experience and reasons for attending the conference to judicialstudies@law.duke.edu.

The purpose of the September 7-8 conference is to lay the groundwork for the drafting of bench-bar TAR best practices and protocol. We will ask for volunteers following the conference.

Six panels at the September conference will focus on:

Panel 1 -- What is TAR?

Panel 2 -- How is TAR Used?

Panel 3 -- When, How, In What Types of Cases, and Under What Circumstances Should TAR Be Used?

Panel 4 -- Evaluating Correctness and Reliability of TAR

Panel 5 -- Transparency and TAR Training Documents

Panel 6 -- Developing TAR Best-Practice Protocol

The conference will fully consider the views of all interested parties and organizations. Discussions will be informed by the work of Duke/EDRM ediscovery experts, who are developing guidelines explaining TAR technology, differences between TAR and other technological ediscovery tools, and typical workflow practices followed by ediscovery litigation teams.

A total of 15 federal judges and 75-100 practitioners and ediscovery experts will attend the conference. In addition, Tony Scott, former U.S. Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) and former Microsoft Corp. Chief Information Officer (CIO) will be Thursday’s keynote lunch speaker.

This is an opportunity for counsel experienced in ediscovery to work with judges and their colleagues to help shape the future of TAR as an effective discovery tool. Active interaction among judges, practitioners, and law professors in an intimate environment is a hallmark of every Duke Law’s Distinguished Lawyers Conference. At the conference, we ask that each panelist introduce a subtopic with only 3-4 minutes of remarks and then open it up to general discussion. All conferees are expected to participate in the discussion.

To encourage frank discussions, the conference is held under the Chatham House Rule: “When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”

Registration Fee. The “early–bird” special registration fee is $1,100 for registrations submitted no later than August 6, 2017. The registration fee increases to $1,250 for all registrations submitted after August 6, 2017.

CLE ─ Nine (9) credit hours have been applied for in North Carolina and Virginia. If you are a practicing attorney in North Carolina or Virginia, your CLE hours will be submitted for you. Attorneys from other states will receive a “Certificate of Attendance” and a completed “Uniform Application for Accreditation” form after the conference in order to submit CLE hours for your state.

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