Iowa Chapter Meeting

  • 21 Jul 2016
  • 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
  • Davis Brown Law Firm (Des Moines)/Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman (Cedar Rapids)

Join us for our July meeting for a Roundtable Discussion, picking up from our February Meeting. We’ve entitled it “Women in Ediscovery Round Table – July 2016 - Power of Networking”. The following questions will be presented to the group for discussion:

• What are some of your biggest challenges when working with eDiscovery?
• If budget was not an issue which of those do you believe would benefit you? What tools/technology trends do you believe would benefit you in your day to day operations?
• Have any of you implemented any new technology to your lit department in the last 18 months?
• What are some of the ways in the past year you have improved your process or platforms?
• How much do you do in house on certain aspects of the EDRM Model and what portions do you outsource?

New this month, we will start the meeting with a networking activity, lead by Angie Brenizer. Our new meeting format will be networking from 12:00-12:15, and the actual meeting from 12:15-1:15. If you need to limit your time, please feel free to join us at 12:15.

Our July meeting will also include our annual elections. Ballots will be available for voting, at the beginning of the meeting.

Lunch will be a brownbag, bring your own lunch, if desired.

In Des Moines:
Davis Brown Law Firm
215 10th Street, Suite 1300
Des Moines

In Cedar Rapids:
Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman,
115 Third Street S.E., Suite 1200
Cedar Rapids

For those of you participating remotely, the web-ex login and conference line information is below:

Teleconference information:
Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 477-2100
Participant Access Code: 635621# 

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Women in eDiscovery is a 501(c)(6) Nonprofit Organization

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