Please join the Richmond Chapter's quarter meeting:
Stolen data: Where E-Discovery and Cybersecurity Intersect
Presented by Beth Burgin Waller
From dark web sales to .psts being infiltrated by Russian IP addresses, the wild world of data incidents intersects deeply with e-discovery. Learn from a seasoned cybersecurity / data privacy lawyer why e-discovery matters to cybersecurity practices. This fast paced and interactive session will discuss lessons learned and where the industry is heading.
CLE credit - Application for approval for this course or program is pending with the Virginia Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Board.
Beth Burgin Waller is a cybersecurity and data privacy attorney at Woods Rogers, where she chairs the Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Practice, and an adjunct professor of law at Washington and Lee University Law School, teaching technology-focused classes to law students.
Please RSVP for the event via Evite. A day prior to the event a link will be sent to join the meeting via Zoom.
We hope to see you there!
© 2025 Women in eDiscoveryWomen in eDiscovery is a 501(c)(6) Nonprofit Organization