Drones and Discovery - The New Frontier
Drones have transformed from being primarily a hobbyist toy to rapid implementation for commercial use for the military, the agricultural sector, and usage in unsafe situations such as hazardous fires that threaten life, property and the environment. Drones will also be used for delivery of goods and services, and IBM has even filed a patent on the usage of drones for coffee delivery. Steve Watson from VTO Labs is one of the leading companies that research data extraction from drones for government and the commercial sector. Steve will cover what you can anticipate finding in drone discovery as well as the current state of drones for commercial use due to component failure, battery life, distance restrictions and other factors. He will cover case examples of where discovery of drones has been essential and explore this new frontier through the eyes of a thought leader.
About the Speaker
Steve Watson is the Founder of VTO Labs and a technologist focused in the area of data recovery, forensics, risk and compliance. His career spans two decades and a variety of technology environments from starts-up to Fortune 50 companies. In 2016, he announced his departure from Intel Corporation where he supported information security incidents, investigations and data recovery for 16 years.
Steve is a Principal Investigator for two government scientific programs. His research in the area of data recovery and digital forensics is focused on new and emerging technologies and extremely damaged devices. Steve’s expertise lies in getting data off of electronic devices that are challenging for others – damaged devices, old devices, new devices and unsupported devices. He brings a full research portfolio that has assisted his corporate, government and law enforcement connections around the world.
Steve is a member of the Digital Evidence subcommittee of the NIST, Organization of Scientific Area Committees, where he serves as the Task Group Chair for mobile device forensics. He also serves as the Chair of the Forensics Committee on the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) representing expertise in the mobile devices, emerging technologies and damaged devices. Steve is also the founder of the recently announced international Consortium on Digital Forensics for the Internet of Things.
ILTA will be our guest organization at the meeting. Many thanks to our gracious food sponsor CS Disco and our location sponsor WSGR.
Hope to see you at the WiE SV meeting!
Julie Lewis, SV WiE Chapter Director
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